My name is Thokozani and I am burntout
The burnout phenomenon is become ever more present. The ever connected world, screen time, information overload and overstimulation are all contributing factors
Add working from home and heavy gym/life schedule
My mind and body were bucking, I had just come from a break but I still felt tired. It's only the being of the year, day 19/365, how am I going to make it
I then thought long and hard about burnout and how I can reignite my flame.
One day I just blocked 3 hours from my calendar and started to write an article, the next day my fatigue was gone and I had a renewed sense of purpose
What just happened?
I came to the conclusion that the solution for burnout isn't merely taking a break and doing nothing; instead, it involves engaging in activities you're passionate about.
Taking a break and indulging in Netflix and chill may not alleviate burnout; the crucial strategy is to rejuvenate through activities that ignite your passion.
My passion is writing, the application of generations of knowledge put down down text that will be looked at and remembered for generations
But that's my passion what is yours?
Is it hiking? dancing? reading? acting? surfing or even deep sea diving
Find your passion and when you take a break rest by doing what you are passionate about